Welcome Occupational Therapists
This page is the primary resource for OT professionals where we aim to provide information about how the companion watch can help keep client safe and how we can help you communicate this message. Feel free to bookmark this page for easy navigation. We are always keen to hear from OT professionals please send an email to support@companionwatch.com, call us on 0800 622 6090 or use our web form
The Show Goes On
We regularly meet with OT professionals, most recently at the Occupational Therapy Show at the NEC Birmingham in Nov 2023. The engagement at that show was amazing, it was great to meet so many of you.
The Watch
If you are new to our product please head over to our main page where to get an overview of what we provide. A summary of the features that make us different is also included below for easy reference.
Spreading the Word
We are happy to help OT professionals spread the work about companion and can help in a number of ways. The main way is to provide leaflets that you can leave with your clients. We send out these leaflets free of charge please get in touch
We also make on-site visits, attend conference calls and will supply watches free of charge for controlled trials. To arrange one of these options please get in touch
OT5 Promotion
As we want to promote OT referrals will give a 5% discount on new watches. Your clients can get this discount by using the promotional code OT5 at checkout.
A online version of our leaflet as a pdf can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.
Sharing link
Using the sharing link will let us know that the referral has been from a OT
How We Are Different
Please find below a short summary of our features, for full details please head over to our main page
- Simple to use: a classic timepiece, ready to wear straight out the box
- Safety reassured: helping people remain independent at home
- Peace of mind: for the wearer, loved ones and healthcare professionals
- Personalised: to the wearer and their support network adapting to changing activity and routines
- GPS tracking: activated in an emergency and securely shared with those that care
- Dementia friendly: with features that support cognitive impairments
- No call centre required: up to 8 familiar support contacts receive and respond to the wearer's alerts
- No complicated connectivity: works straight out the box
- Help always on hand: day and night, inside and outside the home
- Waterproof: wear the watch in the bath or shower
- Long battery life: 120 hours from a 1-hour charge on the simple charging dock
- Soft leather strap: fits any wrist
- Loud and clear voice calls: through the watch, with haptic feedback prompts
- Clever alert delivery: telephone calls and a
- Mobile application: Companion App for alert recipients